Spring is in the air, finally...not that I have missed it that much considering the weather in Lisbon has been all but wintery for the past few months. In fact, some regions are going through a severe drought.
Anyway, going back to Spring: it is funny how we are already close to April´s fool and Easter and like other years, this one is flying by, months are rushing through and soon enough, we will be going on holidays again, wearing our bikinis and going for walks on the beach. Wonderful if only Time would stand still.
Some blame it on Earth´s rotation (a few hours faster apparently), others blame it on getting older, busier, their jobs, their kids...
I would just say that the best way to pretend Time stands still is to make the best of each second, moment, hour. Keep yourself busy, no matter what you are doing, meet up with friends, family, get to know new places, do different things, start a new hobby...and you will feel as if your day lasts forever (or at least, until you are too tired to do anything else and ready to go to sleep! ;) ).
Another Spring, Another Start!
Image Source: Google
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Venha a primavera...
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