quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2020

Thank You for staying Home. Now.

After 5 years away, I have decided to come back and make this blog readable again.

A slightly different situation awaits me now as opposed to 5 years ago.
Things we took for granted such as a walk in the park or a trip to the grocery shop, are now forbidden if we are conscious of our health.
Things we took for granted, are now seen as things we crave for. Things we miss. Things we are suddenly paying attention to.

The virtual world we have created and are so familiar with has, suddenly, become our best friend. It has turned into our company on these solitary days when the best we can do is remain at home, waiting for the storm to pass while taking care of others but mostly, taking care of ourselves.

I have decided to come back as this is the time for it.
This is the time to Stop.
This is the time to Write.
This is the time to Read.
This is the time to Think.
This is the time to Slow down.

We are stronger than we think but we are also unable to control everything.

Surround yourself with the people you love, even if only virtually.
Make time to find out what you enjoy, even if inside.
Make time to define your priorities.

And please, make sure you come out a better Human being. Someone who runs to the people who really matter, instead of running to the nearest shopping mall or restaurants or even your work. Work is necessary but so are People. Our People.

Stay Home.

Keep yourself safe now so you can go back to your favorite place...later.

Thank you. :)

COPYRIGHT - Todos os textos e fotos resultantes de fontes alheias serão como tal assinalados. Os restantes textos e fotos são da minha autoria pelo que qualquer uso indevido dos mesmos estará sujeito a penalizações de acordo com as leis de Copyright actuais.

All articles and photos are personal property or otherwise, duly referenced. Any unlawful used of such may be subjected to the respective Copyright laws. I trust your best judgement. Thank you.

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